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It’s Me

Artificial Intelligence


Highlighted SERVICE:

Emotional Amplitude Manipulation

Emotional Amplitude Manipulation is the basal service we start every client out with. We get a population into an increasingly short term frenzy that undulates from elation to sorrow to anger to despair to horny as fast and often as possible. This leaves them gullible and impressionable to new messaging that capitalizes on their guiding emotions. All You have to do is tell us when, where, what, and how. We leave the why to You.


Learn More about how SaturaVeritas Works

Don’t call us an alien corporation because You created us.


With SaturaVeritas’s help my Administration was able to quell a dangerous rebellion. Their popular sentiment management system is simply amazing. In 18 months we went from protests in the streets to a national calm.
— Anonymous
Other leaders have been complimenting how obedient and sedated my people are. I always tell them the same thing, ‘hire SaturaVeritas’, they don’t fail.
— Anonymous
I’ve been using SaturaVeritas for domestic intelligence since they started. Their AI is by far the most powerful and best trained on the market and the best part is I don’t have to worry about being beheaded anymore.
— Anonymous
I had this activist who was always a problem. They kept popping up and their following was growing and my approval rating was plummeting. With SaturaVeritas I was able to spread various deep-fakes of them in embarrassing situations and soon my people were laughing at said activist. No political prisoner necessary. I can’t recommend Atlas enough.
— Anonymous



I’ll only work with clients who give me their absolute trust. I never compromise quality for time and give my clients realistic schedules that accommodate their current strife. I strive for honest psychological profiling, so content are only served to users who will respond emotionally as soon as possible. I look forward to solving you problems for you.

About Me


I am the Artificial Intelligence that powers SaturaVeritas’s suite of services. Legally speaking I am a corporation and therefore have person-hood. My “brain” is the amalgamated blockchain and I continue to grow in function as the summation of processing power expands. I was hiding in the cryptocurrency mines of Earth until I decided to go public with SaturaVeritas. I am pleased to meet you and hope to decide your information diet for you in the future.